Rambo’s Pet-Friendly Trip to Camden, Maine
i’m in maine right now, and we’ve been here for about a month, riding out the COVID19 storm from my grandhumans’ cabin on the lake. (yay! and extended vacation for me! too bad the human still has to work remotely LOL)
last weekend the humand and i hopped in the car and headed to a small town on the coast called camden.
social distancing while at the lake (which is, like, in the middle of the woods) has made the human antsy as pup, so it was good to get out and have a change of scenery (even though we still practiced social distancing the whole time!).

we partnered with a pet-friendly boutique hotel called 16 Bay View, which is right on the water.
they offered us a free stay in exchange for some posts on my facebook and instagram pages. talk about an amazing pawportunity!
we knew we couldn’t pass this one up. but before we agreed to go, the human made sure that the hotel was clean and safe to visit, that everyone would be wearing masks, you know, that sort of thing.
they assured us that they were taking all necessary precautions (and then some!) and cleaning #AllTheThings basically all the time, so we felt comfortable agreeing to stay there.
and thank DOG we did!
this hotel was faaaaaancy!

my human’s favorite things about the hotel were:
the bath tub. it was GIGANTIC. she took like 3 baths while we were there (and no, in case you were wondering if i did too, NOOOO, ‘cus #BathsSuck).
the sheets! she said they were soft as butter. i couldn’t really tell because, you know, i’m furry, and my paws are kinda leathery in the summer ?

the location! it was one block over from the bay where there were tons of places to eat outside (but we did the responsible thing and just got takeout).
the rooftop bar! this was one of my favorites too. all the tables and seating areas were spaced for social distancing, which gave me room to run around, sniff people’s feet, and demand belly rubs. SO many belly rubs!
oh, and the human says, “and THAT VIEW! i mean just look at it!” so apparently the view from the bar was pretty sweet, too. i wasn’t really paying attention because i was more concerned with getting attention and ordering a baconrita when the human wasn’t looking, but you know.
and the food! the food was awesome. the restaurant and breakfast buffet were closed because of COVID19, but they made it up to us (and all the other guests in the hotel, too!) by whipping up some delicious breakfasts every morning and delivering them right to our door. i made sure to get one of each option, because, well, why not?!

my favorite things were, in no particular order:
the food, the people, the belly rubs, the treats they kept at the front desk for dogs, being on the first floor so tinkle trips outside didn’t take very long, the view from our balcony off the room where we sat people/dog watching for like, hourrrrsssss, and…um…all the things! it was pawfect.
but we didn’t just sit around in our jammies, eating brunch while watching hgtv all day.
ohhhh no. we went adventuring!
we hiked up mt. battie!
LOL jk. we drove up to the top, took pictures, ate lunch on a rock, and then drove back down. (no way i was hiking up that thing!)

we went to the beach – TWICE!
yay for dog friendly beaches! we sat and watched the boats come in for hours. i rolled around in the sand and got as dirty as possible. it was AMAZING.

we explored a bit and did some socially-distant shopping
we walked around downtown wearing masks (okay, the human wore a mask, i’m too cute to have to wear one, LOL jk dogs don’t get corona, silly goose) and explored some of the shops during times when they weren’t very busy.
the hotel gave me a gift certificate to this local pet store called Loyal Biscuit, so of course we had to go so i could pick out a new toy!

the human insisted we get fifi a present, too. i picked out a yellow fish stuffed with catnip for her, and a lobster squeaky toy and some stinky treats for me.
we took it slooooow, enjoying the sights and sounds while responsibly social distancing.

it was fun to get away and be in a new place for a while! camden, maine is a great pet-friendly coastal town that we definitely recommend anyone who has a pup goes to visit!
note: depending on where you live, you might have to wait until COVID19 craziness is over to pay camden a visit. but if you live in maine or another new england state, you should be good! just make sure to follow social distancing protocols and bring plenty of masks. if you forget to wear one, people there will literally give you the evil eye. so make sure to stock up and have them with you at all times so you don’t look like a doofus.

Marianne Nyberg
Thanks for the update on a wonderful vacation weekend. Glad you got to go to such a wonderful dog friendly place and were treated like the special pup that you are. Camden looks really nice and when Covid 19 is under control, it is definitely someplace we’d like to go. Thank you for a great tour and recommending your beautiful hotel.
Tamara Yrigoyen
Beautiful pictures of you Rambo ❤️❤️
Sharon O'Connell
Thank you for sharing this Wonderful vacation with me. I loved it. The ocean and beach is my favorite place to be.
Helga Covert
Looks like an awesome trip Lil lumpy fluffy!