
  • Wayfair

    Rambo Redecorates With the Wayfair Pet Squad

    i’m sooooo mother puppin’ excited to announce that i, sir rambo the puppy, a.k.a. rams, ramikins and rambonator, has partnered with wayfair, the largest online destination for “a zillion things” home-décor and furnishing related! yes, this is for real! i’m officially part of the #WayfairPetSquad, which is a group of social media superstar dogs and cats (ugh, cats, but whatever – these kitties are cool…for being cats, i guess *wink wink*) handpicked to be wayfair’s four-legged ambassadors. holy smokes, right?! #IsThisRealLife? #HurrySomeoneFeedMeSomeBaconToWakeMeUp #AndImAlsoReallyHungry in exchange for an honest and unbiased product review, wayfair sponsored this blog post and sent me my choice of furniture to help jump-start my living room redecorating…